Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Transcendental Method

When it comes to defending the faith, one must start off with the transcendental method.
If God is eternal, transcendent and has all knowledge then our defense for his existence should be in his transcendence. Because he is beyond the universe and is the source of the creation we must seek an answer beyond the universe. God has all knowledge, and it is in his attributes that we can explain all reality. His existence is the pre-condition that explains all things. If God is the source of all knowledge then he is the starting point of our defense.

Step 1
To start with we presuppose God’s existence. His existence establishes that the world has an interpretation and is meaningful. You simple can not start anywhere else. Some people try and use deductive or inductive arguments that lead to proving God’s existence but this is wrong, as one must establish the possibility that argument’s can be valid first.
It is wrong to start off with the cosmological argument or the teleological argument.
The truth of God’s existence is not a deductive consequence of the premise of the argument, but rather a metaphysical and logical ground for the possibility of the premise’s themselves.
One must start off with God to make sense of any argument because for an argument to be true or false it needs to be judged against an absolute standard of truth. This standard is God’s eternal interpretation of all reality. For a claim of knowledge to be true it must correspond to God’s interpretation of the world. Without God there is no meaning to reality so know arguments about the truth of reality can be valid. For the unbeliever his arguments that God does not exist are meaningless unless God does exist to establish his statements. Either way one can’t get away from God’s piercing revelation. To try and deny God rationally is to affirm God’s existence, Because rationality presupposes God.
The unbeliever’s arguments may be rational but wrong. There is a clear difference between rational persuasion, which is understandable and objective Truth, which cannot be false (God’s interpretation of his creation).

Step 2
When debating the unbeliever push him to justify how he knows his arguments against God are true or even how he knows any of his beliefs to be true. His answer will probable be that there are self evident truths gained by reasoning. The problem with this answer is that in an impersonal chance run universes how can reason come up with self-evident truths of reality if reality has no interpretation as a whole. To have self evident truth is to know God, which is something the unbeliever will suppress at all costs. To know any fact in the universe is to presuppose that a fact is part of a total unit of truth. This Ultimate unit of truth is found in God who contains all-knowledge.

Step 3
The transcendental method basically proves that without God the unbeliever cannot prove anything at all. To justify the use of Reason, Logic, Arguments, our experiences and morality we need a rational transcendental interpretation. An impersonal Chance universe will always make these experiences irrational, as they are experienced in an irrational environment. If these attributes are said to be part of the whole, a cause from evolution, then chance has made them function by chance.

Step 4
Because we are created in Gods image we have knowledge in our minds that has been implanted from God. Remembering that our knowledge is on a finite level and we do not have access to absolute comprehension of all knowledge. But because our knowledge has its source in God’s we are covenant creatures. This means that all knowledge is ethical and requires that we use our reasoning tools faithfully.
When one becomes a covenant breaker and suppresses the knowledge of God in his thinking he becomes unfaithful in his reasoning. Once you brake the ethical covenant of knowledge about God, you are left with the irrational claims of Atheism.

Non-intelligence produces intelligence
The Rational interprets the impersonal or irrational world
That chance produces design and order
That good and evil exists in a random universe with no interpretation or standard
That truth exists in a meaningless world.
The Transcendental method shows that God is the necessary condition for all these things to exist.

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