Thursday, February 21, 2008

Forthcoming Titles

Well for those who like Van
Til and Presuppositonal Apologetics, there are two new book just about to come out.

The first is "Cornelius Van Til Reformed Apologist and Church man" by;John Muether

This work contributes to an understanding of Van Til and his apologetic insights by placing him within the context of twentieth century developments in North American Reformed theology, including the formation of Westminster Seminary and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, the rise of neo-evangelicalism, and American reception of Karl Barth.

• Extensive research from published sources, unpublished archives, personal interviews. • Views Van Til’s apologetic contribution in light of his commitment to the Word and the church.

The second is "Certainty of the Faith; apologetics in an uncertain world" by; Richard Ramsay

This book gives Christians greater confidence in their own beliefs, and gives them tools to defend their faith in dialogue with postmodern man. It exposes the uncertainty of non Christian thought, analyzes some of the best arguments of Christian apologists, and suggests answers to the most difficult questions we face.

This book suggests answers to six of the most difficult questions that people use to challenge Christianity. It presents a basically presuppositionalist apologetic in a simple and practical manner, and it also shows how we can benefit from other apologists, without compromising our commitment to the Scriptures as our final authority. It shows the uncertainty of non Christian thought, as opposed to the certainty of Christian epistemology. It gives a brief, practical survey of western philosophy, and a brief survey of key Christian apologists.

Also another book, which has been out for a while is "The Irrational Atheist" by; Vox Day

I have had has some feed back also from the writer from trying to refute the Transcendental Argument again. I will post these responses soon. I am pleased that he is willing to debate the issue.

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