Dr. Benjamin Wiker in his book “10 books that screwed up the world” goes through the greatest writings that have been written by Top thinking Atheists. It doesn’t take long to see that these books are in fact the worse books that have ever been written. One must understand that if God does not exist, then there is no such thing as intrinsic Good and Evil. That being man has not been created to do good or seek an absolute standard of good. That there is no moral standard that humans are bound to follow as there is no moral mind behind the universe. Without God we live in an amoral world good and evil is just an illusion of the mind.
It is interesting to see that when God is wiped out from reality we are only left with biology and the laws of nature. This law we are told is the law of the survival of the fittest or the struggle to survive.
After reading the whole book I found the last chapter wrapped it profoundly, so I will quote from it,
“Can we gather from what screwed up the world, what might save it? In no small part, the carnage and confusion was caused by notions that the world, rather than humans beings, needed to be saved from and for something. To save the world from political impotence, Machiavelli would have us embrace effective brutality. To save the world from skepticism, Descartes ( I know he’s not an atheist) would have us become both more skeptical and more prideful. To save the world from Industrial oppression, Marx and Lenin would have us annihilate half the world in revolution. To save the world from disease, poverty, and every social ill, Margaret Sanger and Adolf Hitler would have us eliminate the hordes of “unfit”. To save the world from male oppression, Betty Friedan would have women kill their offspring. If such is the result of rejecting the notion that it is man, and not primarily the world, that is fallen, then the way might be open to a very sober reassessment of an ancient insight. There is something profoundly wrong with us, some crack or deep taint that is largely incurable because it is invisible, a terrible twist that begins in the soul and curls its way outward. These are the threads of the screws that have screwed up the world. The cracks in the soul become more visible when they are ignored. They become most visible when the twisted soul tries to rid the world of the very idea that each individual has a soul accountable to God. The twisted soul does this in order to deny its own twistedness, and that good and evil are defined by a divine source outside the self. The author’s we’ve examined who have taken a turn at twisting the screws that have screwed up the world all have this in common. They all deny sin.
The ideas of God and sin might be seem too mythical for this scientific age until we recall that whether the bad thinker is Hobbes, Rousseau, Marx, or Freud, the authors we’ve covered in this book were mythmakers. They were enthralled by entirely mythical states of nature, entirely fictional alternative Eden’s, entranced by entirely impossible utopian paradises. Ten’s of millions of lives were offered up to the twin fictions of an alternative Garden of Eden and an alternative paradise, each taken and presented falsely as scientific fact…But when biology, rather than theology becomes the queen of the sciences, the Christian prohibitions against eugenics, the elimination of the unfit or the unwanted through abortion or infanticide, or the elimination of diseased races or classes all become merely medieval and irrelevant. Christian opposition to Kensey’s amoral analysis of bestiality, homosexuality, and pedophilia becomes ignorant and reactionary or even a “thought crime”. By following the trajectory of these books that screwed up the world, we can wonder whether the advance of science over theology is an unmitigated good, and whether it is really progress. Perhaps its bringing us to a new age of technological barbarism, wherein humanity becomes ever more religiously obsessed with health and sexual pleasure as pseudo-gods, sacrificing anything and everything to these twin deities.
The effect of kensey’s liberation was the creation of a sexual state of nature, wherein fatherhood and motherhood fast disappear and thousands of children are daily sacrificed to the devouring Moloch of “abortion rights”.
If the books we’ve covered offer an image of insanity, then perhaps by reversing the image and holding it up to a different light we can recover some outline of sanity. Perhaps we are not merely animal’s as Darwin would have it, but something more than animals. Perhaps we are not ghosts in machines, as Descartes would have it, but some other strange and glorious creature, something godlike, but with two feet on the ground. Yet, being something godlike, we are not, as Nietzsche would have it, gods ourselves, but something far less, a faint but glowing resemblance to someone else infinitely more resplendent. Perhaps there are dark corridors of our hearts that must be uncovered and exposed to light, as Freud would have it, but the darkness is not as hopelessly dark, and light comes from another heart illumined by puncture and resurrection. Perhaps we do need a final revolution, as Marx and Lenin would have, but it is a revolution from within and from above. Perhaps we should, as Mill bid us, seek the greatest happiness of the greatest number, but by filling our souls with unearthly joy rather than merely feeding our earthly pleasures like pigs. Perhaps, as Nietzsche howled, God did die, but rose again, an ubermensch of a very different kind, one that can save us from the madness of our own making.”
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