That which is finite must have an eternal foundation for its existence, as what comes into being from nothing cannot be the source of its coming into existence. Therefore there must be a cause for its existence, that being eternal. If science is right with its theory of the Big Bang, that the universe came into being from nothing (non-being) then its existence must have an eternal cause. This eternal cause of course doesn’t need a cause for its existence because it is eternal, beyond the limits of time.
As I have said in other writings this eternal standard is either impersonal or personal implying that the eternal cause is either an irrational source (cause) or a rational source (cause) for the existence of the universe and all life and its functions.
The three most common beliefs of the cause and governing of the universe have been commonly known as,
1. An eternal irrational impersonal force
2. A eternal rational Mind
3. An eternal irrational universe (This view rejects the Big Bang theory)
If one takes option 1 or 3 the belief implies that the universe is governed and run (including evolving) by irrational blind fate making the universe and the world ultimately irrational and meaningless. For them somehow our rational mind has evolved from the irrational, leading us to try and interpret the objective irrational world. This of course is impossible as it implies that non-intelligence produce intelligence which makes our rational thought to be based on the irrational. Also how is reason supposed to interpret an objective irrational world. All one would be doing is reasoning upon his own mental states or reasons, which also are the result of the irrational. Thought has no system of logic or truth. As one true fact must relate to another and they all must relate to the whole.
If one takes option 2 then he believes that the universe is governed by a rational mind behind the universe directing all finite objects according to a rational plan and goal. That finite objects relate to one another on a rational bases reacting and functioning according to a designed purpose, and not on irrational fate. If there is an eternal rational mind behind the universe, Who is also the creator of the universe who has created according to his rational plan then all finite reality has been infused with meaning. This eternal interpretation is what relates all finite visible or invisible realities to a unit of truth, God’s mind. Humans are rational and intelligent because they have been created in the image of their creator, who is the ultimate standard of rationality and truth. Truth is the correspondence of our thoughts to God’s eternal interpretation of his creation.
The problem with the other options is that it tries to find objective foundations and knowledge in the irrational or impersonal. If man is to find true knowledge he must relate his thoughts and concepts to the norms of reality, which is God’s interpretation.
One can only find knowledge in a “knower’ so if we are seeking to find knowledge in this universe we must find a mind of revelation, as knowledge is held in a mind. This world can only be understood if there is a mind’s interpretation infused throughout it for us to find facts otherwise we are just labeling impersonal matter with our own concepts and forms. For man to understand himself and his place in the universe he must see himself in the light of God. God has created us with minds full of finite knowledge to seek truth (God’s norms and interpretation). We can find true knowledge in this world because God has fashioned our minds to think God’s thoughts on a finite level. Creation and the Biblical Scriptures are revelation speaking to us to give us light to interpret ourselves in-light of the ultimate interpretation of reality.
If one rejects the eternal personal rational foundation then he strips the universe of the following, as they cannot be produced from the impersonal,
1. Rationality
2. Meaning
3. Order (Is a concept of mind)
4. Morality (love, goodness, faithfulness, …)
5. Design.
6. Laws of nature ( A law is a description, a minds description on how something is to function or act)
7. Personality
God has implanted two important points of contact in the heart of every person, a knowledge of his existence and a sense of right and wrong.
All these properties are bound to personality, and are based in the structure of the Biblical Personal Trinity, God. The Biblical God is One being with Three Persons. It is this eternal Oneness and Three-ness that gives meaning to moral concepts. Without this Trinity these concepts are just abstract concepts. But in the Trinity they have contents and application as each member of the Trinity is manifesting them to the others, so we can say that God is faithful, is good, and is love because he is rational, personal and bound in an eternal relationship. Without this relationship God could not be love as who would he be loving from eternity before he had created the world. The same goes with all the other moral concepts, they only have meaning in the context of application. That is why God’s nature is interpersonal.
Basing Human Ethics on Impersonal Fate
The problem with the history of secular ethics has been on how to determine what is right and what is wrong, good or evil. Many theories have been asserted, but without an absolute interpretation given to reality how is man able to justify what he thinks is right or wrong. How is one to justify that an impersonal action that has no correct standard or correct way to function be right or wrong when it comes from an impersonal universe. If we grant the Atheist the claim that non-intelligence can produce rational thought, what can rational thought say about impersonal actions. If fate is governing the universe, it does not speak or reveal anything, since it is impersonal. It just makes things happen and not according to some rational law. Basing ethics on fate is essentially empirical but highly inconsistent in its rewards.
Another problem is that observing facts of nature of which we are a part of does not reveal to us moral facts. The attempt to derive moral principles from impersonal realities is also a violation of logic. Facts can be learned through observation and the scientific method. But moral obligations cannot be seen and heard. They cannot be observed. So all man is doing is labeling impersonal matter with abstract concepts and what is the relationship between the rational and the irrational, nothing! They don’t connect in any rational way. Without a “norm” our concepts are just subjective thoughts floating in our heads relating to nothing.
One may deduce moral conclusions from moral facts, but not from non-moral facts.
Moral conclusions from moral facts
In Christian ethics, this insight is based on God’s lordship attribute of control. It is God who arranges nature and history so that good act’s have beneficial consequences, to himself, to the ethical agent, and to other persons. God’s personal moral interpretation of his creation is the eternal foundation, which establishes moral facts in the universe. The job for humans is to seek and judge his subjective sense of moral actions against the light of God’s moral facts and norms for his creation. Our moral conclusion then can be deduce and justified in the light of God’s eternal standard as God is the ultimate fact that interprets all finite facts.
How God governs our Ethical Life
First, by his control, God plans and rules nature and history, so that certain human acts are conducive to his glory and others are not.
Second, by his authority, he speaks to us clearly, telling us what norms govern our behavior.
Third, by his covenant presence he commits himself to be with us in our ethical walk, blessings our obedience and punishing our disobedience.
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