Finding yourself
We live in age driven by the media and the academic world that has soaked us a diet so heavy in tolerance and inclusiveness. To accept the ultimate authority of any person, or institution is to be bigoted, intolerant, unloving, and self-righteous. The idea that one can be right about reality seems to be an option one must try not to share with others.
The very fact that this claim is promoting that “No one has the truth” is itself a truth statement implying some one is able to define truth. Maybe be it has nothing to do with being skeptical, maybe it has something to do with the nature of mankind who seems to hate the light of truth. How could all views be true, this is intellectual suicide. Why are we so sacred to admit that truth does exist. I believe it is because our nature is bent on suppressing truth due to a fallen nature.
We have all likely known people who have said “I need some time away to try and find myself.” Perhaps we have friends who are tirelessly trying to figure out who they are. These inward journeys and explorations raise a basic question; Why is it that we don’t know who we are as we live our lives in the context of the here and now.
This struggle is not a new one and takes us all the way back to the garden. There we find we are lost, because in our sins we hope not to be found, so we hide form truth.
For those who say “How dare you label me with the word sinner or that myth of Sin nature in humans”. I would say that some thing is wrong with this world! People are taking a long time to get the basic things right. I don’t think it’s a lack of education!
Because of sin, we are no different from Adam and Eve hiding in the garden. Like them we are created in God’s image. Because we are images of God, we cannot be removed from him without at the same time ceasing to “be”. Yet if we act according to our sins, we try to hide from him, we think it best to try to remove him from us. This tragedy of this self-deception is that in thinking we can eradicate God from out thoughts and lives, we engage in the attempted eradication of our true selves.
This is very important to see “We engage in the attempted eradication of our true selves by this self-deception.”
As I have shown in all my other Blogs, when you eradicate God from being the foundation of the universe, you leave it in the hands of the impersonal. You strip the universe of all rationality and personality. Man finds himself in an impersonal universe, which has no meaning to it at all. Man’s own nature is then striped from personality to be explained by the impersonal laws of random nature. Your thoughts have no logical meaning for being here and have no reason to correspond to anything. As I showed in my blog “Atheism and the illusion of free will”, if you are a part of an impersonal universe then your thoughts and actions are not personal or rational, but just part of a determined irrational process. We are not even free and our thoughts have no free intentionality or purpose in them. When we try and eradicate God’s image from our being we find that we are nothing, we are lost with no rational foundation. Because we have eradicated God from the universe and left reality with no ultimate interpretation for us to find ourlsevs in or to help us interpret our selves we lose our personality and humanness and even our ontological value and worth.
Only in the light of God can there be Truth, Goodness and Beauty, reject him and you lose your self into the void of the impersonal nothingness.
The order of these three transcendental’s of truth, goodness and beauty is ontologically founded. Truth is defined by Being, for truth is effulgence of Being, the revelation (Mind) of Being, the word of Being (God). Truth is not defined by consciousness, which conforms to Being in knowing it. Goodness is defined by truth, not by will, which is good only when it conforms to the truth of Being. And beauty is defined by goodness, objectively real goodness, not by subjective desire or pleasure or feeling or imagination, all of which should conform to it. It is God who makes things beautiful in character as he sanctifies his saints on the earth and polishes his gems.
If one rejects the eternal personal rational God then he strips the universe of the following, as they cannot be produced from the impersonal,
1. Rationality
2. Meaning
3. Order (Is a concept of mind)
4. Morality (love, goodness, faithfulness, …)
5. Design.
6. Laws of nature ( A law is a description, a minds description on how something is to function or act)
7. Personality
If we wish to find ourselves we must see our selves in the light of the personal and rational Being of the universe. The essential human components of mind, emotions and will were deadened at the fall. Therefore if we remain cut of from God it is impossible for us to think correctly about ourselves. If you are not an image or reflection of something personal you will never find yourself because you are a blankness.
We spend our lives seeking wrong affections in an effect to enhance our lives with relationships and enjoyable things and circumstances. Pleasing self to find peace and pleasure. In seeking our felt needs we ignore our unfelt need, which is the true answer behind the felt needs. Power and control is often expressed in eating disorders. Some have said that the need to be accepted by one’s peers can be demonstrated by drinking to excess. Promiscuity as a cure for loneliness is seen in the upsurge of all kinds of sexual perversions, confusion and multiple sex partners without commitment. Why do kids cut themselves with razor blades to make them feel good? Using pain to bring pleasure to pain. It is because we are broken and our human soul is sacred and deformed. Bent on resisting God’s revelation.
What is it that lies beneath all our emotional broken-ness. Is it “Oh well this is just my own truth, my pathway”, or is it a fallen-ness from losing one’s self. Why do we perceive a need for control, power, and acceptance? Why are there relational breakdowns? What causes these perceived feelings of emptiness? Behind all these felt needs seem’s to be one primary unfelt need and that is our spiritual DNA in the make up of human beings, which must be established in a right relationship to be whole. You are lost and you need to be found in the eternal interpretation of creation (Gods mind and heart). Seek the personal creator of the universe and you will find yourself and the image that you try and find. Then yourself will shine forth with value, purpose, and meaning. Surrender your shame and guilt and fall on the cross of Christ, and drench yourself in his unconditional love. Once you have him everything else comes in to harmony. The eternal personality comes and abides in the soul of the finite image and illuminates it manifesting himself through ourselves, so we can see who we are, the reflecting of God’s image.
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