Saturday, June 7, 2008

Our Culture Of Counterfeits!

The world seems to always think it knows best when it comes to morality and rules. Never mind that God has crated this world to run and function according to his rules and principles. As our culture pull’s back from their creator, God’s good rules are slowly bent and twisted to fit humanity sinful desires. Our culture takes sex, which is a good thing and twists it into something destructive. This destructive drive is just a counterfeit that will destroy humanity step by step unless we return to our Biblical standards.
In the early twentieth century the British social scientist J. D. Unwin conducted a massive study of six major civilizations and eighty lesser societies covering five thousand years of history in order to understand how sexual behavior affects the rise and fall of social groups. He set out expecting to find evidence supporting Sigmund Freud’s theory that civilizations are essentially neurotic and destroy themselves by restricting sex too much. But to Unwin’s surprise, all the evidence he discovered pointed exactly the other way.

Dr. Daniel Heimbach says,

“But rather than being injured by restricting sex to marriage, Unwin found that in every case that the “expansive energy” of a social group comes from restricting sex to marriage, and sexual license is always the immediate cause of culture decline. In other words, all the evidence he discovered showed that survival of a civilization or society depends on keeping the family life strong and not allowing individuals access to sex in ways that do not support family life…In every verifiable case, he found that once a group becomes sexually permissive, the energy of the society decreased and finally disappeared. A society would begin with high standards limiting sex to one partner in marriage for life. This produced great strength, and society or culture would flourish. Then a new generation would arise demanding sex on easier terms and would lower moral standards. But when this happen the society would lose vitality, grow weak, and then die.”

If that doesn’t scare you, nothing will. We only have to reflect on our world today where a large majority of people aren’t even bothered in getting married while the other half are all getting divorced. Faithfulness is crumbling before our eyes and the act of sex is just about non-existent to being kept for marriage alone. We have teen’s having sex just for fun, we have people having sex just for the feelings, we have swingers changing partners ever week, we have gays, we have lesbians, we have incest in our nation, we have gender confusion. If we do not open our eyes we will head down the same street to destruction.
We must wake up to the counterfeits, I will call them, Romantic morality, Playboy morality, Therapeutic morality.

Romantic Morality,
What we call the romantic sexual morality could be called sentimental sexual morality or affections. This form of morality is based on romantic feelings. Romantic sexual morality glorifies the importance of sentimental affection in sexual relationships that sex is justified based on feeling alone. It basically turns “unconditional love’ into love for the moment. There is a great difference between love and “being in love” which is just a feeling. Feelings change, does that mean we walk out of every relationship and go and sleep with another person and just use people as sex objects to give us good feelings, or is love more than this. True love, loves even when one hates some one for a period of time and true love loves beyond feelings. True love goes beyond pleasure and fun. A relationship based on feelings will not last and makes a mockery of the promises one says to each other when they do get married. Love is not just affection, our affections must be judged by morality.

Playboy Morality
What we call Playboy morality refers to some one who lives for pleasure and who believes that acts of physical sex are justified for no other reason than their ability to entertain. Sex is about pleasure not love, passing the time excitedly with a friend, acquaintance or stranger, without commitments or hurt. Sex is like food, a commodity that we seek and buy as we wish. The problem with this view is that pleasure itself does not define the difference between right or wrong behavior. Sexual pleasure is meant to be moral, but nothing is moral just because it is pleasurable. The second problem is that it fails to define any difference between pleasure and joy. Pleasure comes and goes very fast, but joy last must longer. Encouraging people to think that seeking pleasure will bring them true happiness is a joke as happiness wears off very fast. Joy is a sense of feeling that can last even when there is no pleasure in our experiences. Joy is a much stronger love than mere shallow physical sensations of pleasure. True love for people endures beyond feelings and pleasure. It is also is very self centered, sex is all about getting oneself off with pleasure. When true love and respect for others, is about manifesting joy in your partners heart and soul. It is about thinking of others even if you don’t get what you want all the time. It makes sex very shallow and reduces people to a loaf of bred who can be brought for relief. Also if sex is not defined by a morality first, then who is condemn the person who likes pleasure by combing sex and violence or causing others to suffer. The more people use sex for selfish reasons, the harder it gets to find some one who wants to be used. The less relational, less personal or less unique sex becomes, the less enjoyable or truly satisfying it becomes. Once people are defined as impersonal objects for pleasure, true love and faithfulness loses its power. It loses it power to protect “love” and “personal safety” for us all to get along in a society.

Therapeutic morality
Therapeutic sexual morality is basically all about self, self-actualization, self-fulfillment and self-esteem. When one rejects a faithful biblical unconditional loving relationship, which has boundaries to project individuals in marriage to ground enduring love, individuals pull back to self-centeredness and redefine the term love. Love becomes based on feelings and pleasure and then too impersonal sensations. Once love is based on feelings that do not endure, love becomes short lived and exposed as selfish lusts for ones own wants and needs. In this environment society can not last long as this kind of love will not put up with having to love when there is no pleasure or gain for one self. People basically become lovers of self.

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