The Tittle of this post is based on a chapter I have just read in the book “Culture Shift; Engaging Current Issues With Timeless Truths, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler.” It is a good little book that shows what our secular culture is trying to do. And that agenda is basically the stripping of all of Christianity’s principles and philosophical views of reality out of society. For many this might sound like a great idea, but you must know what is left once you strip reality of an eternal interpretation. For those who don’t, it is the release of all rules and principles that make society function with dignity and respect.
There is coming whether you like it or not a society ruled by Anti-Christ. People laugh at the thought of some Devil system, but we already are living in it, step by step.
If you remove all of Christianity from the world, you are left with the complete opposite of what Christianity teaches and promotes about reality. All that the word “Anti” means is to be opposed or” in place of another” system.
We are living in dangerous times, but far too many seem to have forgotten this unforgiving fact. Terror is a tragic teacher and the memories of September 11, 2001, haunt us even now. Terror has taught us to accept reality. This is a dangerous world.
September 11 or 9/11 as some say was a wake up call of the danger of Religions that make a claim of having absolute truth in their hands. So for some the only lesson we can learn from this event is that claiming truth exists is a dangerous thing in the hands of those who are religious. But there is a big difference, religion had nothing to do with 911, it was due to evil terrorists who went out to destroy human life.
The truth is, the event was a wake up call to the secular world, that has been promoting throughout the University’s and Academic arenas that idea that there is no such thing as truth. That it is wrong to judge peoples actions as “who has the truth anyway when it comes to morality”. They claim “You Religious Christians are so judgmental”, as if their claim is not a judgment claim in itself. Yes I’ve seen it my self in the academic world of thinking, Now students there is no such thing as absolute truth, you must be tolerant of all peoples views of reality, sexuality, race and pleasures. That judging is politically incorrect. How a society can exist with laws like that under this system I do not know, but one thing is for sure deep down these people do not believe their Anti-Christ system. Why are they judging if no view is any more truer than any other.
Its amazing that when September 11 happened, the majority of the world cried out, this is absolutely objectively wrong. This is an act of evil implying that there is a universal standard of right and wrong. That ‘evil’ is in fact a part of reality which can not be explain from a secular worldview that denies that humans have a fallen nature and are driven by sin. To say that an action or an event is evil, is to judge it against a standard that the world (universe) should be following. That implies that there must be a moral law behind the universe. Morality is held in minds, so the ultimate morality behind the universe must be held in the mind of God.
We can be grateful to the Sovereignty of God who rules over every event of history for allowing this event to happen, although done through evil hands of terrorists, God has a good moral purpose for it passing. To shock and wake up a world that thinks truth does not exist and all views of reality and morality are equal (and could I say true!).
Its takes an act of terror to wake up our culture to see that God does exist and that trying to strip reality of his existence will not bring happiness and safety to the world.
In trying to reject God they find themselves afirming him and his worldview of reality, sin, evil, and an eternal stanadrd of goodness, his perfect interpretaion of reality.
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