Saturday, June 14, 2008

Smacking is abuse, but Murder is fine!

In New Zealand we have a government that has decided that smacking your children is child abuse and must be banned. As usual the view is taken to an extreme, instead of jailing those who cannot tell the difference between a smack and a bash, we are labeled as Child abusers in the making. So to protect society smacking must be outlawed.
The problem with this idea is first that it is false, not all parents bash their children and second it is irrational to say smacking is abuse and killing the unborn child through abortions is not abuse. I would not even call it abuse, it is straight out murder and no philosophical argument can justify it.

We can complain about the abuse of Religions, but nothing comes close to the deaths that have been committed by Atheist regimes. You may want to look at Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod in their massive 1502 page 3-volume encyclopedia of war. It is compiled by nine reputable professors of history, including the director of the Centre of military history and the former head of the Centre for Defence studies. They conclude that from what we know from history there have been about 1763 wars and only 123 have been over religion. This makes religion 6.98 percent accountable. If you take away the wars from Mulism’s it drops down to 3.23 percent.

Ian Wisheart says in his book Eve’s Bite, about abortions that,

“Over the past decade nearly 500,000,000, that’s five hundred million, children have been killed in the womb by abortion. In ten years, that’s nearly double the combined death toll from genocide and war for the past 100 years! It equates to 137,000 children a day, or 95 children killed every minute around the clock. Based on the best public estimates of abortion, the figure rises to around 800,000,000 million deaths over the past 20 years-nearly 20% of the current global population.
To put that horrific figure in context, it equates to the entire human population of the world 200 years ago. We have killed off in 20 years the equivalent of the total planetary population in 1776”.

It is a disgrace what humans can do left to their own opinions and doctrines.
The unborn child these days is striped of any rights to life and this is due to the indoctrination of society. For there are only two views one can hold about human life. The first being that human’s are created in the image of God therefore all humans have inalienable rights. Meaning we are all created equal and worthy of life. The second view is that of Darwinism, that man has evolved over time by natural selection, through the process of the survival of the fittest. This view holds that for life to keep evolving the weaker races and genetic traits of people must be wiped out by the stronger traits. This is the only way evolution can work and it is the theory that has bread the idea of inferior races throughout history.

Norman Geisler in his book “Unshakable Foundations” quotes both Charles Darwin’s dogmatic theory and its influence on Hitler.

Charles Darwin; On the origin of Species,
“By means of natural selection or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life”.

Adolt Hitler; Mein Kampf,
“The superior race must not mate with the inferior races.

It is this indoctrination that has de-valued human life and spread to many other mass killing programs. It was the doctrine behind Hitler killing millions of Jew’s, Gypsies, Blacks and mentally handicap people. Hitler even killed people who had simple disabilities like being blind or annabel to speak properly because these weaknesses could not intermingle with the rise of the evolving super race. They even went as far as sterilizing as many blacks as possible as they were considered to be no more then slightly evolved apes.

Instead of believing life evolved by blind chance and weeded out the weak by itself. These thinkers become the designers of the destiny of mankind. Both views are completely wrong.

The thoughts of Charles Darwin lead on to the science of Eugenics. This science was basically a theory to wipe out of society the weak and the deformed or lower races. While killing them they would do science tests on them to be used in finding ways to improve the pure race.
As the holocaust was exposed and dealt with, other prophets of Darwinism started to rise again. Few people know that the Family Planning or Planned Parenthood groups were started up to promote birth control for the same reason, to stop the weaker races breading. Margaret Sanger in the 1920’s was the first feminist in America to set up a birth control clinic. Her goal was to prevent blacks and the poor from outbreading whites and the middle class. In 1930 Sanger said

“For those who cannot be educated, sterilization or legalized abortion seems to be the only remedy, for we certainly do not want such stupid people to pollute the race with stupid offspring. The defective conditions of life call urgently for improvement.”

From this movement came slowly the choice of abortion. To kill a child that’s not wanted or has certain unwanted traits. It has got even worse today, these children are murdered because they are seen as a burden to ones life if they were to be born.

From mass killings of abortions, the length of time the baby is allowed to grow before one must have the child has got longer and longer apart. Today many abortions are done up to 32 weeks. These are called partial abortions and the mother basically gives birth to the baby fully but stops before the head comes out. And at this stage the Doctor gets a pair of scissors and stabs the baby in the back of the head and then sucks its brain out. Then the baby is fully withdrawn and thrown away.

Today it has got even worse, babies are aborted and their fetus or body parts are sold for science labs to do research on. Great money is being made by selling human body part’s. Weather it is eyes, legs or arms or lungs… This is exactly the same process the Nazis’ were doing on infants for medical research. Science may be keen to find cures for diseases, but you can not justify killing a few for the good of the many. As science gets more involved it wants fresher and fully formed babies to do its research on, so abortions get done latter and later.

What sort of society are we becoming when we murder innocent babies for their body parts so that money can be made and the superior race can be made.
When one rejects God who has created man in his image giving all people the equal right to live, man’s inherited worth becomes held in the hands of greedy murderers. Once man loses his right to live many become an animal ready to be disposed of when ever and how ever. Science will never stop unless it’s indoctrination changes. The next chapter of history is Euthanasia the disposal of the old or sick. Just maybe God has created sick people and old people for the very purpose to make people have to draw out of themselves a love that cares, an unconditional love that see love not as a burden, but as duty. Maybe the sick are suffering servants to draw love out of us, which would never come out of us if life were so simple.

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