Sunday, May 25, 2008

Reject the Biblical Standard of Marriage and Sex and Society will Collapse

It always amazes me that people think Marriage is a crazy idea and sex has nothing to do with a faithful committed relationship. For many this is just old fashioned or the dogmatic myth of religion imposing its laws on us to rob us of fun and enjoyment. But the serious truth is unless our generation wakes up society is over, that being a safe loving caring faithful society. Where love is a choice, not a feeling.
With the rise of modernism, which denies spiritual life, sex has no necessary purpose or significance. Individuals use sex however they choose, and what they choose does not matter to anyone else. Sex is strictly a personal choice and the only thing everyone must except is that everyone has the right to have sex regardless of whether or not he or she is married. For them sex justifies marriage, marriage does not justify sex. Sex is actually for these people nothing special. It is just a commodity one consumes without creating or assuming anything beyond the immediate experience. I mean if you think you’re here by chance, just an evolved wild beast, why not live like they do, fulfilling every sexual desire.
Cant the world see that some thing is wrong, sex is every where, free and for all. The United States Census in 2000 showed that two-parent families now represent less than 25 percent of all households in America, down from 45 percent as recently as 1960. The divorce rate has doubled and the percentage of people getting married at all has dropped lower than ever before, says Professor Daniel Heimbach.
Dr. Heimbach in his book “True Sexual Morality” also says,
“The rate of illegitimacy (births to unmarried women) rose by more than 500 percent. But while this rise in illegitimate births is terrible, the actual rise in illegitimate pregnancy has been at least two to three times higher, because 80 percent of abortions in America are performed on women who are not married.”

So in a way not getting married is promoting the killing of the unborn.

When you reject true sexual morality and think that every view has no more value than any other does, one is free to live how they like. But in time society will collapse.

Lets look at the spiral effect from Dr. Heimbach book,

1. Biblical marriage, man and women, sex in marriage.
2.Sexual morality.
3. Sex without consequences.
4. Sex without commitments.
5. Sex in any form.
6. Threatens sanctity of procreation and the sanctity of marriage.
7. Threatens sanctity of life, no family units,
8. Destroys respect for life, for self, for others, for community, for truth, for authority and for accountability.
9. Weakens laws, government, and family.
10. Leads to family brake down, divorce, unwed single parenting, cohabitation, undisciplined children, teen pregnancy, pornography, rape, abuse, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, domestic partnerships, prostitution, and gender role confusion.
11. Leads to crime, drugs, murder, suicide, riots, truancy, violence, poverty, litigiousness, and economic weakness.
12. Leads to eventual social collapse.

There has been a great shift from thinking sexual discipline is a moral solution, to thinking sexual discipline is a moral problem. There has been a shift from thinking sex is a privilege reserved for people committed to certain goals, to thinking every one should act like animals in the wild.

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