Thursday, January 31, 2008

For the Christian the Trinity is our God and is the foundation for every finite thing that has been created. Every cult or religion that exists is dogmatic in rejecting the doctrine of the trinity. Does the trinity really matter? And is the trinity the only foundation for knowledge of the world and of our-selves? It is these questions that I hope to answer . We will also look at the different methods the history of thought has tried to gain knowledge with.
Whither one believes in God or not one must get his chain of thinking started in his philosophical journey. Our starting place will be that as humans we experience that reality exists.

Reality exists
When we reflect on life we soon come to the conclusion that we exist and that we are part of some reality. Did this reality always exist or did it come into existence? For now it does not matter how you answer the question because each option will lead you to an ultimate answer. If the world which we find our-selves in has always existed then the world is eternal, self-existent. But if the world has not existed forever and has come into existence then there must be another source for its existence. Some where in the chain of cause and effect there has to be an eternal ultimate starting point, an uncaused entity.

Reality exists, so there must be an eternal foundation for its existence. As reality can not come into existence from nothing. Nothing has no power and from nothing, nothing comes. To explain it simple there has to be a starting point, which does not need a cause for its existence.
This foundation is either rational or impersonal, God or the universe. If it is God and science is correct, the universe had a beginning then God is the eternal foundation for all finite reality. If it is not God then the universe is impersonal (irrational) with no meaning to it or behind it. Also this universe would have to of had existed forever, being eternal.
The universe is not eternal

That fact that science has proved the universe came into beginning from the Big Bang means that it is not eternal and needs a cause for its existence. There are only two options to chose form. The source is a rational eternal God who projects his thoughts into reality or the universe comes into being by chance. Ether the universe is governed by a rational mind or it is governed by irrational chance.

Is reality Meaningful?
Is reality meaningful, is there a purpose for our existence, what is the meaning of life? These questions can not be answered without understanding what the word "Meaning" means. Meaning is a mind interpretation of reality. If God exists then the universe is rational. There is a mind behind all objects connecting them all and there functions and purpose to one rational plan. There is an eternal mind, which has infused meanings into his creation. Reality has an interpretation. Without an interpretation the universe is irrational.
For those who think they can escape the problem
There are always some who think they can escape the problem. They have told me that "Yes" the external world is irrational or as the atheist likes to remind me arrational, but our minds are rational. So we can make up our own meaning…But this does not work as if the universe is meaningless what was the cause for our rational minds, non- intelligence? If so then there is no real distinction between what is rational and what is irrational if non-intelligence produced our rational minds from some mindless random evolution process. What are our thoughts corresponding to? But also if our minds are rational and the world is irrational with no interpretation to it. What can a rational mind say rationally about an irrational world? Do minds relate to random matter in motion.

Do facts exist in an uninterpreted universe?
This question will be studied more in a latter section, but for now we shall asked the question "If one man looks out into the world can he discover "facts". A fact is an interpretation of an object. For true facts to exist objects must have their own interpretation. An impersonal or irrational world would have no facts to find. As brute facts without an interpretation do not exist and if they did how would one fact have any rational relation to any other fact as a true fact is true when it corresponds with all the facts of reality. For this to happen there has to be an eternal mind with all knowledge with the true interpretation of reality. Man just looking into a world and describing it does not give us true knowledge but subjective opinions. Labeling is not learning new facts.

So let’s talk rationally
If we are to talk rationally to one another then the world must be rational and have a rational source for our rational mind and the rational relationship between all facts in the universe. If this is true then God exists…
The Trinity and reality
For the Christian the biblical God is the Trinity. The trinity is one eternal being with three persons. May sound very strange at first, but will become the eternal reality that explains the reality you experience in this world.
We will now see why any eternal God will not do and that theism without the trinity is just an abstract idea. The trinity is that the Father and the Son and the Sprit is God, three person in one being.

A Personal God and a personal world
The Trinity gives us the eternal foundation for an absolute personality. God is a personal rational being. In the trinity there is completely personal relationship without residue. To be personal is to be in a relationship with some one. The God of the trinity has been from all eternity a personal God in total fellowship with each member of the trinity. The Father and the Son and the Spirit are an eternal personality. It is part of his nature which flows into everything else he creates.
And for that reason it may be said that all man’s actions are personal too. Man’s surroundings are shot through with personality because all things are related to the infinitely personal God.
If God was not the creator of the universe but chance was the universe would be depersonalized as nothing would or should correspond to any rational relationship.
Of all the gods in all the religions of the world, only the triune God of the Bible is truly and wholly personal. Consider the non-Christian theism embraced by Jews and Muslims, the belief in a single god (not trinity) who rules the world. By itself, theism will not suffice to give us a truly personal god, for a god who is utterly and simply one – a mere monad- fails to have the qualities we know to be essential to personality. Although an absolute monad, like the god of Islam is the most exalted non-Christian idea of deity, a monad is a being whom is eternally alone with no other to love, no other with whom to communicate, and no other with whom to have fellowship. In the case of such a solitary god, love, fellowship, and communication cannot be essential to his being. To conceive of a god who does not know love, a god that has never shared, a god for whom a relationship with another is eternally irrelevant, is to conceive of an abstraction, an idea or a thing more than a person.
If to make this god more personal a believer in such a deity suggested that his god loved the world after he created it, the result would be a god who changes in time and who needs the world in order to grow into his self realization as a god of love, a god who becomes personal only with the help of the creation. Suppose one asserted that the monad loved the world from eternity? Then the personality of his deity and his attribute of love would still depend for their existence on the world he created. Creation would be a necessary act of self-becoming. For unless this deity created the world, he would not realize what love was.
A belief in a monad personal god is not possible, but to those who hold to it they are trying to exalt the monad ethically by demoting him ontologically, for he is no longer absolute, no longer transcendent. In fact a god who does not have these qualities as eternal attributes would have to have an ultimate cause beyond himself for his own existence.
What we have said here about love applies to other attributes of God also. In the Bible words like righteousness, faithfulness, and goodness refer to divine attributes that ultimately require the doctrine of the Trinity. None of these notions can be defined biblically apart from the relationship between Father, Son, and Spirit. Even outside of the biblical worldview they cannot really be defined apart from the contents of interpersonal relationships. Righteousness for a triune God means that each of the person’s respect and preserves the boundaries of the others. The Father honors the Son and does not allow the infringement of what belongs to the Son. Goodness refers to their mutual seeking of blessing for one another, faithfulness to their keeping their word with one another. In absence of a relationship among persons, these and similar words become so utterly abstract that meaning disappears.

Man made in the Image of God

The Trinity also has great importance in the doctrine of mankind. The Bible and most theism religions claim that man was created in the image of God. But when one has a god that is not a trinity, it makes mans image an impersonal being. What would it mean to say that we are created in the image of the lonely monad? If mans image was to correspond to its god then it would be an impersonal non-social being. Mankind would have no concept of love or fellowship or relationships as its creator lacks these attributes in himself. If human society is a reflection of the ultimate reality we must ask, "what meaning does human society have in a god who is eternally alone, a non-social being, and lacks the ability to love." What is the point of a solitary god creating a world and filling it with people? What can man say to such an impersonal deity? Society would not function at all and would be totally impersonal and selfish.
It is because of the trinity (that being three person’s that are One) that it gives us these eternal relationships and there existence. There is unity with individuals in the Godhead. The One and Many reflects in to creation and gives society many members who can live in relationships that manifest unity from there oneness in being, the human race.

Trinity and Revelation
Out of the three views of theism they all claim to have a book given by special revelation. For a God to communicate to the world, this God must a least able to communicate. But why should an eternal monad communicate when communication would be contrary to its very nature. Why would one who is silent from eternity seek to communicate?
Why should the Trinity reveal himself? Because he is a triune God for whom the fellowship and mutual communication of the Father, Son, and Spirit is essential. It is not even possible to think of the trinity as not communicating as it is an aspect of his covenantal life as God. The three, eternal, personal, persons of the trinity talk to each other. Also because the second person of the trinity is called the "Word" he has a personal word to reveal to his personal creatures.

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