Sunday, January 27, 2008

First principles can not be demonstrated

If Rationalism and Empiricism are based on first principles which cant be proved then it is impossible to reject Christianity on the basics that it is just a faith. Rationalism and Empiricism are also based on faith, as they have to place their trust in their first principles to be true about reality. This does not then mean that every faith is irrational, but it does mean that each faith must be able to explain reality as a whole and have a system that gives us knowledge of the external world. The question comes down to "What Faith can explain reality and our relationship to it the best".

It will not do just to say that Reason or Empiricism has access to the truth or the facts and Christianity is just a blind religious faith. For making logical conclusions from ones assumptions about one mental states about the world, even if valid all depend on unproven original assumptions.
Just as the theorems of geometry are deduced from axioms, so the conclusions of behaviorism are deduced from the assumption that the mind is a physiological process, utilitarianism from the assumption that pleasure is the good, and gravitation from a theory of space and time.

What are Facts?
In this section we will look at "What is a Fact?" and "How does one get to a Fact?"
A Fact is a state of affairs. A fact is not a thing or object, but an interpretation of an object. If reality as a whole is meaningful then it must have an eternal interpretation of all things. There must be a mind behind the universe infusing meaning into the creation. A unit of truth (mind) relating one fact to another according to a plan and purpose.

So what is a fact? A Fact is an interpretation!
How does one get to a fact, this depends on what worldview you hold to. For those who reject God there are no facts to be found as there is no interpretation to reality as a whole or as a part as the part must find its meaning in the whole. This is the major problem with rationalism and empiricism they look out into the world to find external facts but there are none because there is no interpretation to reality. Facts of knowledge do not just hang out in the universe with no interpretation waiting for us to find them. An impersonal universe has no facts. A true external fact is known when mans mind thinks according to God interpretation of that one fact in its total relationship with the rest. Man must think on a finite level God’s thoughts about reality. If reality as a whole is not a unit of truth with a single interpretation than the rationalist and Empiricist are just labeling matter in motion with there own subjective abstract names and concepts. This is not true knowledge, but just subjective claims of their own mental states. We are not interested in what we think? But are interested in what the facts are in themselves. If there was not a unity of truth or a single interpretation of the whole of reality (God’s mind) then even if man could find a fact what relationship would it have to any other fact in a universe evolved by chance? In a chance universe nothing would be relating to each other at all in a rational manner.

For the Christian all the facts are part of God’s personal plan and serve his personal purpose; all of the laws by which we relate the facts (whether conceptually, logically, or causally) are a reflection of God’s personal mind and his ordering of reality. Man’s mind was created to imitate God’s thinking with respect to those personally qualified facts and personally qualified laws. God’s personal influence over all the objects of knowledge as well as the mind of man, and his purpose to have man understand and control the facts of his environment, provide for the possibility of the mind accurately apprehending the extramental world. Everything and every event must be ultimately related to God (who controls the relations between things and between events) in order to be part of a coherent and intelligible system. But for the non-Christian, the impersonal, spatio-temporal universe makes facts impersonal.4 The facts are "brute" facts that are particulars unrelated to any plan or interpretation. The universe consists of purely random matter moving completely according to chance…The non-Christian takes for granted that this kind of authority belongs to him. Man presumes to interpret and explain himself by his own finite internal principles and to give the original interpretation to the brute facts in a random universe. This process just produces irrationalism. Those who reject God think Chance produced reason and then reason reasons about the irrational universe.

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