Monday, February 25, 2008

Any Evidence at All?

The Jolly Nihilist insists that there is no evidence at all for the existence of a human soul. This is a strong claim and very dogmatic to say the least. A few years a go I was listening to a tape by Dr. Gary Habermas. This Scholar and researcher has interviewed over a 1000 Near Death experiences. He tells of this one time when a lady had just arrived in America from over seas for a holiday. She had never been to America before this time. But as she was leaving the airport she had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. Once at the hospital her heart stoped and she was declared clinically brain dead. So the Doctors tried to start her heart up again, and after a few times her heart started to beat and she came back to life. As she woke up she said that she had left her body and floated to the roof of the hospital and as she looked down she saw a blue shoe with a hole in it on the roof. When the Doctor heard this he thought he would just check it out and to his suprize there was a blue shoe on the roof of the hospital with a hole in it as she described.
Now what does this prove, it proves that our mind is more than our brain and also we don’t need our eyes balls to see everything once we leave our body.

But what is the metaphysical naturalist going to say about this evidence,

1. Because of my worldview these kinds of things just do not happen.
2. The lady must have been reacting to some drugs.
3. Near death experiences can all be explained by reactions in the brain.
4. Both the lady and the Doctor were mad and lying.
5. The Doctor went and found a blue shoe some where in the hospital.
6. Every Near Death experience is a lie.

Why is it that this kind of evidence is not accepted? The reason why is that it goes against the dogmatic philosophy of the naturalist. That all that exists is the physical world of matter and that everything can be explained by material causes. This is making a philosophical standard that set’s the criteria for what evidence can be. If they were more opened minded they would let the objective evidence speak for itself.
As for the rational mind having to be the brain, Richard Carrier does an ok job of linking the mind or soul with the brain as inseparable in his book, but does not mention that the mind has its control over the brain too. He argues that the mind works by chemical reactions in the brain with other stuff too. But in cases of depression, even with medication, the mind seems to override the chemical reactions and so someone can be under medication but still have a depressed mindset. I would agree that the mind and brain work together most of the time, but also the mind seems to be immune to chemical reactions in the brain. You can look at a Scientific American article on the mind-brain relationship through depression.

If what Carrier says is true, then the depression that is caused by the mind would be eliminated in nearly all cases since if you prevent some reactions from occurring in your brain, that cause a depression sensation, then you would not be depressed or have sad thoughts since those thoughts would be chemically repressed. This does not occur as much as we want. So the mind does look like it is somehow separate from the brain and yet linked as well . This also explains what Carrier agues in p. 328-329 of people in coma are dormant persons not annihilated persons. Also as of yet neuroscientists have not been able to find the part or parts of the brain that constitute our Will to do anything. I have not heard of any findings yet thus I must deny a whole mind-brain link as not true unless evidence proves otherwise

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